if i never see your face again ...
then i will find you and love you once more
time after time

Saturday, October 27, 2007

2nd week of sem 2....

once again... i did it... almost making my blog as dead as my friendster account. if u know wat i mean lol.. but no way am i going to let my blog DIE!!! NO WAY!!!!.. so i going to post to continue its life... haha... sori for the no update period .......

two weeks from the starting of sem 2 had already passed. so how is school?? same but wit more practicals, so more pracs mean more reports right?? ya DAMN right..... ALOT.. i think its going to get more demanding from now on... studies i mean... hmm.. CCA??? also demanding... dun know y these days my enthusim for kendo has started to disappear... maybe its getting harder as we are now keiko-ing...lol so im now training my physical fitness.... veri weak lar me..lol..

on thurs, 25/10/07 when wit dear, sammie, ling ning and doris to watch the seeker: the dark is rising... so how abt the movie??? hmm... the last movie tat i watched tat was fantasy and retake from a book is eragon.... and tat was last december.... and comparing to tat, i think tat movie is better..
this movie lacks plot i think, or maybe its too short... but still ok la the movie effects still there. lol i think tat eragon really captured my heart with its spectacular scenery....

ok im done wit todae... bye bye!!!

................................h4m1 out.................................

i know that i have loved you ... at 9:06 PM
fate crumbled all around 1 identities

` here.waiting ;

    I'm H4m1
    i'm 17 this yr
    born in 26.04.90
    so i'm a taurus
    i'm now in nyp pursuing a diploma in molecular biotechnology

    divested lover
    take my breath away
    i'm on my knees
    studying your heart
    i love my dear=P

