if i never see your face again ...
then i will find you and love you once more
time after time

Saturday, October 27, 2007

2nd week of sem 2....

once again... i did it... almost making my blog as dead as my friendster account. if u know wat i mean lol.. but no way am i going to let my blog DIE!!! NO WAY!!!!.. so i going to post to continue its life... haha... sori for the no update period .......

two weeks from the starting of sem 2 had already passed. so how is school?? same but wit more practicals, so more pracs mean more reports right?? ya DAMN right..... ALOT.. i think its going to get more demanding from now on... studies i mean... hmm.. CCA??? also demanding... dun know y these days my enthusim for kendo has started to disappear... maybe its getting harder as we are now keiko-ing...lol so im now training my physical fitness.... veri weak lar me..lol..

on thurs, 25/10/07 when wit dear, sammie, ling ning and doris to watch the seeker: the dark is rising... so how abt the movie??? hmm... the last movie tat i watched tat was fantasy and retake from a book is eragon.... and tat was last december.... and comparing to tat, i think tat movie is better..
this movie lacks plot i think, or maybe its too short... but still ok la the movie effects still there. lol i think tat eragon really captured my heart with its spectacular scenery....

ok im done wit todae... bye bye!!!

................................h4m1 out.................................

i know that i have loved you ... at 9:06 PM
fate crumbled all around 1 identities

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

hari raya.. todae=5th month

late post... fasting finally over.. phew can start eating again lol.. i need to gain weight man.. for real.... last saturday and sunday were hari raya 1st and 2nd day and as usual go out la.. 1st day go my elder house... and tat day really alot of money get. around 100... lol ..
2nd day went out wit my cousins and their family so total around 18 ppl include my family... veri big ar..lol we went out from 11 am and reach home 12 am sia.. lol super long ar... covered 13 houses.. by the time reach last 2 houses all super tired lol.... tat day got around 100 also...

now lets talk abt todae.... todae is the 5th month wit my dear.. i love u dear... i love dear dear forever... thinking of watching movie wit dear later... cya all...bb

...........................h4m1 out...................

i know that i have loved you ... at 11:44 AM
fate crumbled all around 0 identities

Sunday, October 7, 2007


sori... for the absence without leave lol.... aniwae todae is 7 of october and.... kamen rider den o 36 airs in japan todae.. hurray.!!!! wats so special abt this episode ? liner form... ryoutaro finally have his own action, and not control by any other imagin lol... first time... here is the video of it..... ps.. mayhave some child, i repeat "CHILD" content..lol

i know that i have loved you ... at 2:22 PM
fate crumbled all around 0 identities

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

day of the kendo camp

time check> 11.04 pm.. eta> 3hrs +
now still at home.. packing my bag.. AND today got heroes season 2 episode 1 so SWEEEEET!!! so now i downloading.. lol later still can watch it before going camp lol.... so i will be away for 5 days.. hmm.. today till saturday.. hmm. sure will miss my dear... dear i miss u alot..!! actually now i cant wait for the camp although i know its not leisure camp..lol... ok im done for now...
take care..... dun miss me k?? lol

...............................h4m1 out............................

i know that i have loved you ... at 10:59 AM
fate crumbled all around 0 identities

Monday, September 17, 2007

the usual outdated post.......

yoz... wats up... sorry for the late post, as usual.. gomen nee!.. aniwae i will be posting about last saturday..(15/9)..

went to waseda shibuya senior high school on tat day.. and this school is affilitiated wit waseda university in japan..WOW!!! went there coz they having a school festival.. went wit some nyp kendo club members and sakuran club members. reached the school at 1.. the school at the west side near clementi..veri far..lol

then we waited for a school tour by 2 japanese students. they even prepared their scripts in English .. but they speak veri soft.. veri hard to hear.. after the tour was our free time in the school.
we have till 4 to partake in the festival.. and the festival was... SUGOI!!! haunted house, maid cafe, planetarium, detective house and also there is a room where we can try to put on japanese school uniforms.. all of this was just cool... the whole school was so cheerful, all the students were shouting here and there.. my frend told me tat the haunted house was very dark and scary and they were allowed to bring an oil lamp inside... so good but i did not get to try coz the queue super long..lol.. so me, nasu, and junjie went to planetarium to see star display.. went there and the machine cannot start..lol
and the japanese gal hosting the room, the expression shocked sia.. she try this and tat also cannot work.. then at one point of time she also trip on sumthing as the room dark..lol almost fall down.. so in the end we watch pics of stars from slight show... but have a hard time understanding her, coz she speak jap most of time..lol then went it all is over, we took our leave, the gal tried to get up..AND she got hit by the dome shape thingy on the ceiling.. lol then we were like daijoubuu desu ka?? daijoubuu desu ka?? and she was like going sumimasen, sumimasen, sumimasen...it was hilarious.. then we thank her in japanese and headed out of the room..

played and played and played and the clock strikes 4.. time to leave so sad.. hmm ya veri sad..lol the me, nasu and some of the seniors went to bugis.. actually they wanted to eat, but waited for me and nasu to break fast first so tat we can eat together.. we were there from 7 till 9 sia.. talked crap all the way.. veri fun la wit them.. and ming kiat, joker sia him.. tat day i also played his psp, bleach heat the soul 4.. veri fun.. now i thinking whether shuld i buy a psp anot ..lol coz i actually need an mp3.. but i have a ds already...lol

now yesterday.. yesterday was my 4th month wit my dear.. YAY.. but cannot go out so sad as it is a sunday but still happy as can hear her voice on the phone again coz she just came home fro malaysia..

,,....................................h4m1 out..........................................

i know that i have loved you ... at 10:37 AM
fate crumbled all around 0 identities

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

thon on nite of 3/9 to morning 4/9

hi guys... haven sleep in awhile..lol.. since yesterday up till now which is exact time= 4.57 am.. veri tired and sleepy oledi...

me and wei jie thon at bugis village macdonald.. ask me for wat reason? i also dun know... just feel like it.. lol... but so we thon. the whole night we surf the net, download songs, crap, and many more la... but then at 2.07 am sumthing happen...

wan 2 know?? lol.. all so quiet , suddenly got this ang moh stand at the entrance and shouted MAC ASS... a few times... funny lar, i tot wat.... this guy sure drunk liao... and i think he HATES mac... lol and i got take crap pictures of me and wj, and my breakfast at mac..lol

........................h4m1 out.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

i know that i have loved you ... at 4:55 AM
fate crumbled all around 0 identities

Sunday, September 2, 2007

update between 17 august till yesterday....

sorry for not updating the past 3 weeks.. alot of things must do.... and my blog is not dying like my friendster.. i wont let it lol... lets recall wat happened in these past weeks..

first the exams are over... so how i fare?? ok la.. except for maths i scared i fail sia... then must retake siannn,... the rest is ok.. coz its science related and boy do i LIKE SCIENCE...lol

on the week of 17 august, on fri and sat went wit haq, wei jie and zul to watch the fireworks at bridge near the esplanade... very nice view of the fireworks really.. and alot of ppl were there... really ALOT.. and the fireworks display were really a sight to behold... i dun know y, but seeing the fireworks make me feel very cheerful.. lol

on the last day of the exam, which is on 30 august went to watch 2 movies wit dear, sam, ling ning, julius wong, karen, doris and jolene.. ya two movies i say, back to back.. cool man.. but ling ning and sam did not watch the second movie... the movie we watched were 1408 and ratatouille.

reviews of the movies?? lets see.. 1408..hmmm.... not scary but alot of shocks, not good for my heart lol.. but i think its not really good. ratatouille? wow tat movie is good sia, no wonder critics said that it was worth 2nd and 3rd servings lol... its really good.. u all should watch it even though if its a cartoon movie..

next, on last sunday, went to boju's chalet. comments waste of my time.. but at night ok la.. still enjoyable,.. but i really feel very moody sia before the night, coz some1 just had to come to the chalet, sianz if u know me then u will know hu this sum1 im talking abt.. its like as if im not there like that.. hm,. wat can i do, my fault wat.. but other than that really enjoyed the night wit wj, zul , haq and boju,,, not!!! coz he sleeping the whole night ,lol...

next on list is teacher's day. went back to damai to see my beloved teachers.. saw many ppl, all changed liao.. AND my teachers all say i look diiferent alomost unrecognisable coz i rebond my hair lol... but 1 teacher not there, MR LEONG.. haiya he say he sick, hm maybe he not sick onli dun wan go school lol.. after tat went to watch movie wit the 2 jx(did i sae 2 jx??,, ya if u get wat i mean ya its 2 jx means the tat 1 came too...) pei yun, ben and wei yen.. watch evan almighty.. wat can i say abt the show..... it sucks.. really. and ya i was treated as if i was not there again.. sianz.. I SHOULD FORGET ABOUT THE PAST ALREADY!... ben say tat I TOO CAUGHT UP WIT THE PAST TAT ITS KILLING ME FROM THE INSIDE.. but i know deep in my heart i cant although i want to forget it.. k so im done wit the updating.... for todae i going to my grandma house in tampines later.. cya all later in the future

........................h4m1 out.................

i know that i have loved you ... at 12:40 PM
fate crumbled all around 0 identities

` here.waiting ;

    I'm H4m1
    i'm 17 this yr
    born in 26.04.90
    so i'm a taurus
    i'm now in nyp pursuing a diploma in molecular biotechnology

    divested lover
    take my breath away
    i'm on my knees
    studying your heart
    i love my dear=P

